Monday, July 11, 2011

Round o' Confessions! 1 - 15!

- Confession 1# Whenever my parents would yell at me when I was a child, I would go in my room, find my Teddy bear, and tell it that it was all I needed, and I would be fine.
Lol, I'm sitting next to the same bear. I named it Timmy .__.

- Confession 2# Most my best friends are Asian-Culture Junkies, Gaming nerds, outcasts and are considered "Ugly". People tell me, "Your too pretty to hang out with them". Shit like that is why I get into fights .___.

- Confession 3# I think my mom favors my brother.

- Confession 4#- I'm slightly phallophobic.

- Confession 5# The guy I really like thinks I'm a dumb whore... I don't say anything, but it really hurts..

- Confession 6# I don't pray as much as I should, not because I'm busy or anything, but because I don't feel like I'm worthy of even speaking to God.

- Confession 7# I'm always there for anybody whenever they need someone to talk too... even the person I hate.

- Confession 8# Theres this guy I see in alot of my dreams when I'm asleep, his name is Madison. I'm in love with him, and he doesnt even exist outside my mind.

- Confession 9# I think I'm a complete loser.

- Confession 10# People tell me that I'm extremely pretty. I think I look okay....

- Confession 11# I don't believe I'll live past 30. I don't know why, I just don't think I will.

- Confession 12# I'm challenging the government as soon as I get more power in my hands.

- Confession 13# Every mainstream rapper that has made a positive impact on America has been mysteriously murdered. I honestly believe the government has a role in this....

- Confession 14# I make better friends with guys than I do girls.

- Confession 15# I fucking hate this country.

Thats it for now :DDD
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